Welcome Yourself Back to Center

Back to Center Space:

(noun) That welcome homecoming within ourselves where authenticity lives and peace resides; a place in the center of our being accessible when we practice aligned living true to ourselves; a studio in Cold Spring, MN that guides us to our Back to Center Space through Ayurveda lifestyle, yoga movement, and essential oil aromas.

Here at Back to Center Space, you are welcome to explore practices that serve you in your health and wellbeing journey.

…and we are happy to be with you along the way…

We support men and women, healthcare and community service workers, homemakers and dream-makers in their health and wellbeing through curated Ayurveda health counseling, teaching accessible yoga classes and cultivating emotional wellbeing through essential oil aromas.

Back to Center Yoga: Honor the wisdom of your body-of-the-day through mindful yoga classes that support your connection to self.

Check out the yoga classes!

Back to Center Ayurveda: Nourish yourself through seasonal Ayurveda lifestyle, nutrition and diet, and rest practices curated and customized for your balance and well-being.

Book a Ayurveda Health Counseling session!

Back to Center Essential Emotions: Cultivate emotional regulation and well-being practices backed by neuroscience with the aroma of pure essential oils.

Book a discovery call for explore curated recommendations based on your need!